Light Bulb 05/07/92 This object is your basic light bulb complete with innerds and all. This object is freely distributable, but please include this read_me. After seeing what was available in LW format, I started playing around and came up with this. This object does include FractalReflections image on the screw part of the bulb, which you have if your using 2.0. However, you can create your own image that looks like a close-up of clouds with a slight sporadic black showing thru to simulate the chrome look. There are a multitude of looks you can create with this object by readjusting the bulb and spot surfaces. Spot is not actually in this file, but you can create your own. The spot is used to reflect the light from the area of the red filament which gives a "SunLight" effect and radiates outwards. In Modeler, create an arc facing the front and put it in the middle of the object over the red filament. Set the surface to high specular and 100%transparent. You get the idea! I would appreciate any and all objective feedback. Enjoy...... Jim Mixon Media Zone Productions 305-821-4448